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we made pretty far but we got taken out you know it’s hard because by the time you get all your materials and you want to build this big base the storm keeps moving but I will say I think I’ve been playing better down here with the two monitors set up in the fort night gaming bar for you it’s pretty we have to get a win so right now we’re gonna go back to playing and we are gonna record using the gameplay capture and we’re gonna use all of our skill to try and get the very first win inside a box for it oh man guys we got so close our first real game we got to second spot playing down here dude that was okay so our first game we played were kind of him fun we got taken out second game we tried to build the biggest base ever that was really cool but then it fell down third game we got to second place oh so close man but I think it just goes to prove it is true the fort night box for does help you play fort night even better while in a fort playing fort night and it just it just adds up guys I think this is where we’re gonna wrap up the video for today I want to thank every single last one of you guys for checking out this video of course if you did enjoy us do not forget to smack that subscribe button down below and remember guys we’re trying to crush 50,000 likes on this video to do a real life fortnite porn video with nerf guns it would be really cool building Fox Sports and all that fun stuff so be sure to hit the like button and I’ll see you guys next time for another awesome video you

Don’T go storm four. Five, hey guys! Welcome back to my channel today we’re doing a giant for tonight battle, royale board game, but before I get started subscribe to my channel, give me a big thumbs up. The final prize is whatever’s gon na be in this chest. I think it’s gon na be a good one. Today I am challenging uncle Jerry to this board game you’re going down. No I’m not blues are good, Reds are back, yellows can be both good and bad and greens are the only safe spots time to get started. Rock Paper Scissors shoot. Okay, I go first, that’s two minutes right, get your five rise! Rock Paper Scissors shoot whatever you start off with one backpack each just like in fortnite porn check out my back. Alright, the question is: do I go to try to get some darts or do I look forward? Let’S see that is five. I am gon na go forward. I’M gon na go for it one two, three, four five. I got an RPG, I’m gon na put this in my backpack. This is gon na, come in handy my turn. I’M going for those darts whoa Stephen may have a blaster, but it doesn’t have any darts. I got aah. I am going for the blaster hmm to blasters no darts. What is even doing come on big number. Five works, one, two, three, four: five yellow square. That means you roll the dice again. It can be a good thing or bad thing. Oh make your role where’s! That man switch positions; yes, please man, dang it no more dirt was that’s what I can get for one two, three, four, three dark: let’s go! Oh yeah! Now I can load my mini blaster and get there. If I hit him, he goes back four spaces. I got ta get out of here one two, three, three, four: five he’ll roll, the dice to find your feet, kiss it Steven, maybe I’ll you be good back fifteen spaces, [ Music ] goodbye blasters, at least some out of Stephens range for one to four roll. The dice to see your fate got one [, Music, ] man. This game is too easy. That’S not fair! That’S fair! One! Two three: four: five: six roll: the dice to see your feet to pie in the face back one space: oh no, I missed the longer and I go on and read roll the day to find your fate. Six pack 50 spaces spoke too soon, Stephen or roll. The dice to find your faith, [, Music, ], BYE, MOM roll two dice for next churn square fortnite porn, trivia answer correctly and you get a prize. What is a win? Called a victory royal caress roll the dice to find your prize three, Oh an impulse grenade. That means when I throw at Derrick he goes back through spaces. I get to throw two dice this time: nine. Nine! Fortnite porn trivia. What is the name of the drinkable item that gives you 35 HP and 25 shield [ Music ], slurp, slurp juice, that is correct! Roll the dice to find your face do one Apple, so this means, if Stephen says, to hit me with the dart I can miss. Alright is gon na get 1/5 hmm, we got a blaster over here and I already have the darts for it. So I at least need to, let’s see, and I’m going for the buster roll the dice to find your fate.

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Date: February 21, 2021