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At this point, the original half-color plot has become an interesting, multiple choice. Question Are you trying to make the little boy suffer the same long-term damage as Tongsheng Or just help him buy the stupid magazine? He wants In the end, Kiryu decided to buy magazines for the child.
He thought it would be less harmful to the child Compared to teaching him not to believe in adults. The purchase process is a cute stealth game. After all, Kiryu is shy about being seen buying pornographic magazines. There is another scene about the dominatrix. This aspect is to bring in something that may not be interesting to everyone Or a sexual addiction that everyone can accept. Usually these plots are meant to make players laugh, Give everyone a chance to laugh at weird guys and say “. This is weird .”, But its totally different here Here is a completely different way of humor. The humorous point here is that a professional dominator, Because he is too shy and polite to do what he should do. In fact, this is exactly why he chose this job. Try to make yourself more talkative and confident. Therefore, the player must let him practice the dominance skills he learned on himself Until he is confident enough to do these things. The best part is that this kind of plot gives this character: humanity.
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