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oh god I was gon na, say we could race to who gets the first solo out of the three of us. We all get into the same solo game. That would be really hard to do. It’D be hard because I’d win man like I just don’t want to do it to you guys. Oh, yeah, oh holy [, __], that’s it no you’re [__]! Now, let’s go changing my stream title racing, my trash friends to first win, I’m changing mine to absolutely decimating ready. Okay, three two one go! I just want to confirm this is not teaming we’re bursting each other. We just want to verse each other. If I see faster, I see they’re dead. I just want to hit a sick shot of me. What’S the last three letters, three three [Music], which one of the 50 fruity skins you were to imagine the zone gets smaller and smaller five people left. We don’t talk, we don’t say a thing we’re just like this is all of us. Isn’T it that’s all in different corners? Whats going on you guys is, there’s someone nearby and I’m just leaving. There’s someone in my house. 50 people have already died. I repeat, 50. People have already died, yeah in the freaking end zone. Dudes. We got this. We got this. Ah first kill it get wrecked. I see it, I even see it I’m like yeah boy, okay, sorry fruities! You must die. I saw fruity just killed two people. Oh, exactly right, I’m pretty sure they came over in the same helicopter. What happened this thing was illegal activity. Oh, I don’t have a purple. P90 is what excuse me. I’Ve won two victories. Royales in the same night. Yeah, have you won any games since? Oh, you could say no comment, so no comment. You don’t have to you’re, not really obliged to answer that. I’M not league of legally obliged my lawyer, oh okay, I’m not even kidding. I don’t even want to leave the house that I mean I just don’t want to leave it, I’m just like I’m not working come on next to me, farming, like I, don’t know if I should shoot them. Yeah. Oh, yeah. You know the worst part about all of this. Oh, no, oh advantage! So what are you talking about guys? Whats going on I’m in a fight? Oh, okay! So, guys, what are you doing next weekend? Nothing much man he was hiding in a bush wait. Is that one of you guys, hiding in a bush, oh yeah, you killed me – is that you in the bush? No, why would i be in a bush because who the hell is in a bush? I’M not in the bush, I’m in the ocean, all right, you better shoot all that water you’ll find me. Eventually. I got the kill, thank god. Oh, [__], I’m gon na die here. Thats such don’t do it don’t do it just kills. Racking up girl and people know where you are it’s like kind of tough. Isn’T it? Oh, yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, it’s like yeah! No, no! No! No! No, that is so trash. Oh, it’s not coming up on the kill bar. Why was there someone in a bush? Why was that? You know what oh no yeah I’m swimming. I don’t like the position at all. The marauders are [__] watching me, I’m staying for the same dude, I’m watching hey golden balls: oh [, __], no, something rooting for the guy who isn’t my friend. I know right what the [__] you traitor. Oh, I see tony. I see you, where is he? This is so much fun, he’s trying. I feel like I’m in the game. [Laughter, ]! Oh, nice, shot! Thank you. Hey, fears, [Applause, ] [, Music], oh god! Yes, oh god, the gods are yes. I’M are you okay, or are you really way too happy about what’s happening, all right, I’m very happy. Okay, obviously, he obviously got his uh submachine gun yep. Someone is crouching outside of my building. I feel like this is busy. Are you in? Oh? No damn it. You son of a [__] you can get into as soon as you heard me in a fight you’re like [, Laughter, ], okay, it’s not fizzy, knocking the doorbell, oh my god that was so funny I’ll. Let you know that I have destroyed this building from the inside out trying to get mats. I have to say I’m loving this zone, yeah yeah, I’m doing pretty pretty shell over here as well. Yeah. Thats why I know when you’re out of the area, I do see a house, that’s like utterly obliterated and buildings are happening in it. Is that um is that your renovation by chance uh? Is it made out of wood, yeah nah? Thats not mine. Mine’S made out of brick, okay, okay, I like what you’re doing with the place. Thank you we’re doing some windows honestly, you’re gon na burn my building. Thats what you’re gon na. Do I see where the marauders are. I see where they’re shooting are you hiding underneath the water like what is going on here? No, I’m stressed underneath the buildings.
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Date: February 26, 2021