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So two things before this video starts first thing Yes, I know my “hairs-breadth” lookings nonsensical dealing with this problem Only kidding second thing I discover from my writer you guys know Russell He informed me that I was saying thanos’s identify wrong I was saying foul thaalnos some stupid poop. I don’t know I’m sorry don’t sue me I plan on going and watching that movie tonight maybe so Russell be nice to me and uhhh….
Please don’t sue me hope you guys experience this video so as you guys know today the avengers gratifies Fortnit hentai We have … I think it’s that thalnos. I actually haven’t seen the movie more i’m waiting until it comes out on VHS But noticed the thal-thanmos is now in the game, and I want to show you guys something.
I flesh you guys know how i’m All about math on this path for you new chaps to this channel My name is Ssundee.
I hit the subscribe button if you’re brand-new if you yeah quick plug like my mane So you guys at for you veterans of my youtube direct you guys know I’m all about the manipulates I’m all about the math I’m all about nerdy trash, so I have figured out the timing, the trajectory, the mass equals MC 14 the heck am I talking about I Have figured out how to get the gauntlet more seasons than not Time by using the drop mechanic and the curve so check this out yeah, and too dudes I stumble the like button down below if you guys want me to I Don’t know precisely Just touched the like point down well. Let’s get to 15,000 likes maybe Alright, so here. We go check this out Here’s this circle so the bus is passing through the circle That’s good So this giant roundabout here where the tornado shrivels into I sit a mark in the center Right? And the gauntlet after a certain amount of experience can come Anywhere within this circle now check this out what I do formerly I get around the center of the clique I cease and then immediately deploy my glider and Then time gradually glide to the center and hang out.
We’re hanging out right and this is what you keep your eye on underneath the mini-map There’s the timer Five seconds left of just freefall right and then after this 2:30 starts where the gust starts contracting in so what you want to do at around the 2:10 differentiate you want to drop straight down Reactivate your skydive put straight-out down and keep your head on a swivel. You’re looking for the gauntlet right here we go okay – – okay flatten straight down throw straight-out down and Then around – OH – you’re gonna hear a sound..
… depending on lag Hold on. Please prepare the resonate don’t offset me appear stupid in front of my friend there we go Oh good lord.
The lag was crazy now what you want to do is keep your head on a swivel For the goun- there’s the gauntlet, okay, it’s going this style Now we go It’s gonna pop me midair am I gonna die? There it is Did I make it is somebody else gonna get it? Okay, I descent a little bit lower than I was registered what check this out. It was a little bit off And that’s how you get the gauntlet The terminate is near So that’s how you get Thanos I studied check this out.
I got a game play before this that wasn’t say check this out Yeah, so here’s the game.
I went like 20 minutes ago it was I wasn’t recording face cam because I merely woke up and I was ugly I Know what you’re thinking, “What’s brand-new? ” but check this I did my approach where there’s the curve the squalls coming in I placed the point to center, and then I immediately i do my same programme That i just thought you guys. It works out really well you get the gauntlet quite a few seasons if it property in a good place So you deploy your glider they just kind of hang now until a timer hits around the – and I was Marking out like high point that the gauntlet could precipitate if it property on a mountain with this strategy It’s kind of hard, but there are less mountains in this game than there are not mountains That represents feel so shack is flitting around the center hovering around the mountains waiting for the timer The timer’s going down now and this play was fun, and it culminated in the perfect spot.
You’ll see in a second. It was recreation Okay, now we go at around 2 to 10 is she’ll envision me dive directly down.
I’m just kind of memeing right now I’m a meme er okay now “theres going”. I should dive down now satisfy so I it is necessary dive down. Hey idiot there we go Okay Whoo we dive straight down we obstruct our leader on a swivel We’re looking for the gauntlet, and I believe this one was pretty good like the timing of this one was pretty dang Good if I remember correctly.
I think so I drew my chute and There it is And I believe it fell right torture’ I was shooting it a little I predicts where it was gonna land, but I’m an idiot okay here We lead it shores right here, so I was a little bit off on the timing But it was pretty dang good. So the gauntlet shores there nobody’s there yet, and there’s a llama gray open look at that llama 210 Okay So I grabbed the gauntlet right And it’s so epic and I do my strategy of going towards buildings and look at that Pleasant Park is in the circle simply buildings everywhere This is perfect if you’re Thelma cuz like I said alright.
I I don’t I I feel I said it You cannot improve Whenever you’re thalnos if you look in the bottom right you have a punch attack you have the laser which I merely proved you to have the “youve had” the uh .. the super hop and then You too have sky bomb okay? Now we go watch this Hello, sir Little Boy dude just got destroyed it does like 80 shattering per punch It’s an jiffy shot on any walls when you are punch look at that It is insane and then my state you can see my state. I have 700 state and 300 shield My health I cannot regenerate but any time that I kill individual it regenerates my shield instant so What I do is you run around buildings continuing yourself clear because you don’t want to lose state Look at this Jump up Yeah, it’s so sick.
I really oh wait. Why did it jump-start? I’m such an idiot. No don’t leap you idiot Okay, dive projectile there we go. Uh oh Yeah, remember this the dude like disappeared he turn into a ninja Okay, oh he’s up there.
Yeah, that’s right. Then I skydive Skydive him again Okay, so I lost a little bit of health there This dude’s just kind of hiding now we go Hello miss hello And you insured my shield regenerate instantaneously 300 health just by killing mortal okay? I received mortal shoot Yeah, right there now. We go Oh He rushed over my brain Stop jump- and dead there. We disappear so I’ve currently lost a hundred and thirty health not bad And I retain verifying person ever this sky rush you just wanted to jump-start whenever you kill somebody because you have shield just to go out Look at this poor girl.
I’m sorry miss Four kills still further 24 participates that I likewise found something else out about this scalp, I’ll show you that in a second It’s pretty Meme.
I didn’t think you could do there we go I was going shots right there. Hell I miss This bark is so OP You kill somebody and you instant get your shield So what you want to do whenever you don’t know where actors are if musicians are kind of shooting you at at a reach you want to hide around these lives disguise around walls and don’t move the error if you’re if you play a Fortnite hentai porn a lot you is often used to hop around a good deal, and you can also can’t go through doors.
So you undermine the door down So you tend to rush around a lot whenever you’re playing fortnite hentai porn ordinarily Don’t do that as your thalnos cuz you’ll jump high-pitched in the air , now check this out. I wanted to test this to see if it You can actually emote as thalnos Wait for it My favorite emote every russell get the girls.
Happy scream ready Russell get ready* screaming joyful daughter and ssundee laughter* I so keep the girl scream Let’s you’d never discover the the the Ender of Daytime the bringer of demise screaming like a joyous girl Enough me me.
Let’s do this so we have five kills still further fifteen participates left. I have a pleasant common This is going well so far. I’m use I’m working the buildings to my advantage, and then I saw this guy yeah. He didn’t know I saw this dude tries to build Sir constructs are nothing to Thalnos Where is he?
Sir structures are nothing thalnos get destroyed there. We go okay another person over here. Yeah, right there right there I kind of disguise behind this used use the structures as a defense and Then I get out of there Because I attended the one person in the center, but another chap was shooting at me from the claim You time want to get out of now and whenever you get out of here* another glad daughter scream* I simply sit over here and meme If you’re Thalnos you kind of camp a little bit because you are a slow-moving target Whenever you go down to hop you really stand in place people can headshot you over and over again Granted you do have 700 state, but you can get melted pretty quick So you kind of want to camp a little bit So there’s people pushing out there You what you want to do like I said you want to clique and give other beings kill one another well You really kind of walk around looking cool, and you’re kind of waiting You’re kind of waiting for people to get close to you You precisely you got to play it patient if you want to get a win as thalnos knows you got to play it patiently You got a patiently tent the frightening gameplay Amazing gameplay, it’s fun.
Though is this people a great deal of enjoyable and the laser the laser The laser really isn’t that useful I don’t really care for the laser too much Just because it locks you in place and it really doesn’t time much mar. It’s kind of It’s kind of like an SMG.
I don’t know and then I realise hurt individual down here miss What “are you doin ” down now so I’m back up to 844 for health and then* Screaming Girl* Then I listen someone else there to run my building.
I don’t know if you guys can hear that Know I heard soul. Oh, yeah, I wanted to try this emote – he actually flops on the flooring the leader of the free world-wide The bringer of extinction flops on the flooring, and then I jump up. I sounds the buster hurling plungers at me Yeah, the laser see how it fastens you in place, and I precisely get pelted It’s just I don’t know it’s not that good and I messed up by start there I lost a lot of health right there So I merely destroyed I decided to make my temper out on this house look at that shatter I destroyed half the hell or half the building with one lunge, okay. There’s seven musicians left I have seven kills I guess I dissolve this activity with a lot.
Okay look at this guy I’m just a hello valid US is here Hello, sir.
Thank you for the shield, and this dude’s story He exactly lodge a chi or a piston to me so I got to get out of now. My health is getting low-spirited We got to play this smart You got a camp you got a camp use the buildings to your defense and all-* Screaming Daughters* Well I hope you have a lot of daughters happy scream hubbub outcomes I memed a little very hard-boiled with this one. Sorry. Okay.
There’s a person right over there or girl I think it’s a girl skin Time no clue. I’m here. I make she does she could see me on the mini-map But who tents who cliques Estelle knows they all its utilization and I can’t you can’t fit through doors remember that He tries, it does she stays me with one man.
I rush her and it does damage caused to her And dead okay, so I have three hundr- tower 454 state. There’s five participates left.
I have nine kills I’m trying to see where I got shot from you. Can’t pick up textiles. You cannot pick up-* Screaming Girlfriends* I’m sorry. I’m doing this to you For you Guys that don’t know Russell went to film school I’m sorry Okay Five participates left the circle is still in pleasant ballpark which is great for me But whenever the clique objective it turns pretty bad for me.
You want to use builds as extend Okay, look at that so the dude “ve been shot” from the mountain over there And I can’t fit through doorways remember that you cannot fit through doors You’re too tall.
Yes, so dudes over there on the mountain. I have to be careful though. I’m getting low on state There’s a buster in the center over there to the right you can see him, so I scurried the dude in the center I just wanted to come my shield back Falcon Punch He’s got a rocket launcher Sorry sir another buster Double kill okay, let me kill 3 actors left my Shields looking good, so I consumed this Smitty structure* Screaming Girlfriends So, I’m sorry russell I’m sorry i do this to you There’s three musicians left eleven kills and Look where the clique discontinued it pointed over there on the mountain with no Building cover at all your chaps are used to playing fortnitehentai Where you can build as soon as you been shot you put down constructs as Thalnos you cannot do that and all your attacks Make you vulnerable to headshots because you just stop look.
He’s just stop bill up his uh his shooting or his jump-start So I try to get the high ground fast, and I go over to the mountain Make sure nobody’s running up behind me This was intense this was I think this was the first time. I got the gauntlet.
I don’t remember, but it was fun See if there’s anybody I ensure a buster over there, so you make love I get shot to the left, so I immediately hopped to get out of to get out of Dodge, and then I hastened this buster Now we go rush this buster, then he dies to the other guy. I have two hundred and a Ninety health 290 state versus just probably two hundred Come on here we go and there we go down those Down on infinite on the win 12 kills He’s pretty op if you have building cover, but dudes for now I’m gonna end this video here If you guys have enjoyed made the like button down below.
Also hit the subscribe button seek I made two thousand nine hundred and forty impairment that is insane if you guys have enjoyed smacked the agree button I made the bell I Hope you guys have fun with thalnos. We’ll see it dudes tomorrow* outro *.