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Hey, there c … come a little closer. I got something to ask you: Do my tonsils smell good, So dudes the day is here. We have finally been sponsored on the Ssundee channel. Theres a link top with epic games over they created fortnight battle royale fortnite hentai and fortnite henti . They asked me if I could do a video on their game, so uhh yeah. What I want you guys to do before this video starts. Show epic games some love. What I want you to do, drop a line on this video. Lets see, if you know we can, we can impress them with our likes. Also, do me a favor this game fortnight battle hentai fortnite and fortnite hentia
, royale I’Ll put a link in the description to this game. This is completely free. You can hop on, download it, create an account and play Completely free. What you’re about to see is free, so give it a shot. It’S a crap ton of fun and uh. Yes, I’m gon na get into some clips.
I’M gon na try to get a win. This is gon na, be tough, but let’s do this so clip number 1 check this out. Its pretty funny fortnite lynx hentai and fortnite xnxx .
I’M gon na do my best to kind of be. I show you guys what this is all about. So if you look in the bottom right, that’s all my weapons. If you look in the top right, That’s the that’s the the mini-map. Obviously, if you look on the right hand, side, That’s all my materials I can build in this game. Its just like minecraft and the guns. Its freakin, sick in the bottom center is my health and uh Yeah. So this first clip check this out fortnite porn pics and xnxx fortnite.
This is the start of it game. I landed on a house, I’m breaking in the roof and this person over here Or get into a pickle war. I’Ve run off look for a gun come back, She has a gun. She loads. Her gun up tries to shoot me. I dodge it with a jump That poor girl got rekt. Ok, this next clip check this out. So again, I land on the roof And the is the strategy rox fortnite porn and thicc fortnite porn . If you want to land on the roof, look for guns and then make your way down to houses. There’S somebody in my house, This poor guy, has no clue.
I’M up here But check this out this next clip in the exact same game, I’m looking over at this barn Right and there’s two people fighting each other back and forth, I’m off in the distance just shooting every so often. So what do I do cuddle team leader hentai and tntina hentai?
I use my minecraft skills and I build a massive bridge way up above them fighting and watch this look at this They’re over there fighting one guy down Second guy down Before you get new guys to this game. If you look above my health and my ammo right there, you see how it says eliminated that guy that’s whenever I get kills and if you look in the top right under the mini-map. Thats how many kills fortnite henta and she hulk fortnite porn. I have three: Let’s go to the next clip yeah now this next clip
I finally get a sniper rifle and check this out. Theres two people over here running around a tree fighting watch this Killed one now watch this. This next guy is like where’d, you go friend. I miss you Dead and then later on fortnite hentie and fortnite penny hentai
, in that game check this out. This poor person drops down, starts healing dead, But watch this I’m kind of running around looking at the loot trying to see. If there’s anything I want and then I look to the left and look at this guy (Ssundee Laugh). He had no clew. I was there
That was good, so this next clip check it out. You hear that sound! It is like a buzzing. I was looking for a chest and and look at this fortnite porn images and fortnite thicc porn, This poor person down there’s trying to loot all that gear from all those people get shotgunned in the face. You see that blue uh uh Jug that I just picked up whatever I drink that look at my health down below me just got 50 uh uh hit points of shie …
Or 50 shield points So now I have a hundred and fifty hit points which are of as scrap, but look at this fortnite skye hentai and fortnite henrai . There were two deaths right here: three deaths, so I’m just looting up getting bullets. Getting additional guns like I said bottom right. That’s all my guns in my gear, I have grenades. I have healing, or I have bandages a shotgun and some other stuff but check this out. I go back into this house and listen to that. I’M Trying to find Where that Golden chest is fortnite zoey hentai and sun strider hentai. You can hear it but check this out. I Hear somebody else this guy right here. Poor soul just got rekt, so I think I’m thinking you know what I’m good
I’M good, I can get this chest out and then another dude shows up and builds another bridge over to me And Then he gets melted onesie fortnite porn and lynx fortnite hentai
. Oh, Alright! So let’s see if I can win a game now, That’s all the clips. I have. Lets do this five seconds left: Let’s do this: okay, 95. Players. Ok, so here’s how this works! Alright! So let’s do this new game! We got ta win this okay and look at this. The drop-off is a giant School Bus, So we’re flying in this way. I want to find a good spot to drop fortnite porn rox and fortnite rox hentai , but watch this in five seconds to four seconds to three seconds to watch the back of the bus, The school bus just crapped out like 50 people. Okay, so, let’s see if we can find a good spot, They got. I do like Pleasant Park fortnite catalyst hentai and fortnite porn pictures , so, let’s drop right now. Here we go So I have to get down there to drop on a house break the roof, find a golden chest and Hopefully we get a good gun fortnite hentsi and fortnite haze hentai.
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