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When you see these sexual innuendos – Oh homie, don’t you dare close your eye? So we all grew up watching Disney frozen elsa hentai, but there were a lot of images and themes in some of these movies that are way too grown-up, and it’s kind of unclear whether these writers and animators put them in as an accident or just for their own personal pleasure. For you know, parents, parents, pleasure watching these movies. We don’t know the answer, but regardless these are pretty great and will probably ruin your Disney viewing or make it even better. So, let’s take a look, so the first one is from Alice in Wonderland and when he’s late late for a very important date, it’s clearly to go into a hole which is looks like another kind of hole and that’s not even a rabbit naked elsa.
That’S the white gerbil Richard Gere reference that couldn’t look more like a vagina or butt hole like it looks like why thought it was a vagina for sure, but it’s a vagina, but then there’s there’s the clip. Oh my god, there’s totally clear frozen elsa. Oh you’re! Absolutely right! No, I I’m always right frozen hentai.
That’S I’ve! Never seen that before I know so he’s late for clear. Okay. Moving on the next one is from Aladdin. During a Lada and Jasmin’s wedding sequences, earthquake twigs Jeannie casually mutters the line elsa and anna frozen hentai.
I thought the earth wasn’t supposed to move until honeymoon, yeah yeah part where I’m Aladdin’s like what was that look. Is that the do the sexy look again? Yeah! That’S right! That’S genuinely sexy elsa frozen hentai porn!
There’S nothing weird about that at all. Um there’s the part where he’s like down kitty, take off your clothes yeah and then something in the Little Mermaid where the priest gets a boner. Oh, oh yeah. I’Ve seen that one too review frozen elsa hentai, but we don’t include those. So now people are getting even more than the seven promise Wow look at that.
Alright, the next one is from The Little Mermaid DVD yeah. That looks like a weird penis yeah. It’S it’s quite a rekt. I guess I don’t know why they included glistening yeah. It is glistening everywhere and there’s I like this is actually from a science book, mmm good chef, screwed, oh so, they’re still teaching, which is nice honest opinion frozen elsa hentai.
I love the glistening, that’s amazing, because everything else is like an actual part of the penis and ball situation may be listening. Makes it sound like Oh, every penis has glistening looks like the whole apparatus. Oh, like the whole gold area. That looks like a penis complete with merciless fingernails. Oh that’s my penis right there, that’s lovely elsa the snow queen hentai elsa!
Thank you for that visual. The next visual is from The Lion King. When he falls in the dust, flies up and says sex. So did you do you believe this one? Do you think so the animator said that it’s sfx and it was like some joke with his like animator?
No, it says sex sex. So here’s the thing i think they’re just they’re back in these days. They had to draw so many things. Mm-Hmm for hours hours see if you have a chance to go, look at there’s an old video about the multi-plane camera, which is like what Walt Disney created. It’S like this 15 20 foot tall thing, and then they it’s a video where Walt Disney shows you how they made like Snow White and how freakin even more tedious than just drawing it.
They move it and take my vigil phone, like you have so much time. You’Re gon na want to draw a dick yeah look at these on my chest, all right. The next one is I’m Hercules. I don’t even think we need to explain anything here. It’S just pretty hentai elsa.
I don’t even know what this movie existed. No Hercules. I saw I actually watch the recent. It’S a great film. Hercules is one of those shitty Disney movies that is available on Netflix like Disney’s, like I don’t know, let it out of the vault.
I don’t care this guy’s, a dick gon na say yeah. Yes, he has a dick on his head um, but those are a lot of like male references. We’Re gon na go to the female reference from the trailer from the Monster House. If those are the teeth and that’s the tongue, then that must be the uvula. Oh, so it’s a girl house what okay, so clearly they’re talking about volas, also what like eight year old kid knows.
What a vulva I thought is a very intelligent, educated, eight-year-old child. That movie was written by Dan Harmon and Rob schrab, who are Dan Harmon recruited community, so he was uh. It was in a weird moment where, but it is it’s a grown-up, a grown-up who does a grown-up humor, writing the kids movie, and they were pretty frustrated with that process of writing. That movie, like that’s a that movie, if you look at like the history of like how the script process went, it was very like it just stopped and they like had to go back a thousand million times. I think they probably got frustrated hentai elsa.
Let’S do a bit of a joke. Well, I I haven’t seen the movie, but I enjoyed the trailer. So maybe they did a job well done. Yeah the RET there’s a whole climaxes of giant penis um, but yeah. I you know what I like about.
This is like I told you like about this. Vulvas, don’t get a lot of jokes; no, they they don’t you’re so right, it’s always the clip, but remember the vulva yeah. That’S not fair! More Joel for jokes, on fictional things, like the clitoris get all these jokes works of fantasy evolve is real. It’S out there and that’s a that’s a majora problem.
Alright and the last joke is from frozen. Where they talk about foot size, foot size doesn’t matter, she says he’s asking basically about the about the prince, and I appreciate a good penis size joke. I think she’s educated, like Elsa or Anna more. I like Elsa more. Why?
Because else is not a naive little girl, like you, know, Ana’s just like going through life, she gets herself like totally effed over by the the other Prince been a while, since I see the movie, can you tell by my she does? She gets happened over by that Prince yeah, which one do you like that I’m more of an Anna see no I’m like a very cold person, so the ice queen thing so me like this is actually this is. This is a little bit of a sidestep. So me and my sister watched this movie together and I’m older than her and I’m definitely a colder person than she is no it’s okay. I accept it hentai elsa.
Let her know that um! No, so we watch this movie and obviously any sister who’s gon na watch. This movie, it’s gon na hit close to home too cuz ads about that relationship and stuff like that she’s. This is our real life like you’re, the icy older woman like me, and my sister are very, very close, but it did. It did definitely hit closer to home for us, because I am like a little colder than her, but I you know – and I think foot size matters, so we have a lot of a lot of different opinions about a lot of different things.
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