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Drop a like in the next five seconds or all your skins will disappear next time. You log on Don’t risk it. The first Fortnite porn update of Season 5 went live today and there are a ton of secrets in the game that I’m 100 %. Sure you guys. Don’T know about including a small live event: new mythics weapons, how to unlock the Black Panther purple, glow style and much more. I went through it and found literally every important hidden secret. You will want to know so make sure you don’t miss any of them because they are all pretty nuts And guys 80.
3 % of you watching this right now are not subscribed, which means you are missing out on a free gift from me. So I gift five subscribers every single day who drop a like turn on all notifications and leave a comment with their Epic ID
Today I decided to give five of the Fa-la-la Fishstick skin, because I did the Gingerbread Raider the other day, but a lot of you guys want this skin. So congratulations to the winners. You guys definitely deserve it And if you guys can please do me a favor. Just for Christmas, as my Christmas present is take two seconds to put’doom’ in your Fortnite porn item shop.
It would truly mean a lot And seriously. Thank you to all you guys that do that, for me All right guys and for our first secret Fortnite porn is working on a minigame for us to be able to play during loading screens, And it actually had a couple of these little minigames in the game before
I know during the Black Hole minigame that you could play. There was some like Durr, Burger, related minigame and then also, I believe, in the Deadpool room on his computer. You can play a minigame too, but I could be wrong about that.
And Mang0e said that it’s actually finished It just hasn’t been implemented yet, But I bet they’ll end up, enabling it soon once they’ve made sure everything else in the update is running smoothly. Moving on to fortnite Hentai two I’ve kind of a cool, little Easter egg, or continuation on the Easter egg, for you guys,
I’M sure you all know about the IO Guards that just spawn in that little cube around the map where they spawn in a lot of areas around the map, and sometimes you can get random stuff popping up like Dinosaurs or the two dancing Henchman.
And well for the holiday season, it looks like they’ve added three new random possibilities for you to get other than the guards You could get a nutcracker just simply some snow or possibly a Christmas tree. So next time you hear one of those things spawning in around you check to see. If you got lucky, you got one of the new ones. Next, up for fortnite Hentai three, it looks like Fortnite porn, somehow mistakenly already released what the next crew pack exclusive is going to be, and it turns out that it is going to be the Green Arrow, And that was completely random to me.
I didn’t even know the Green Arrow was to be honest, So maybe the superhero world it’s a big deal. I don’t really know
But I guess people have PS4 who bought the crew pack today were awarded this skin instead of the Galaxia. So that’s pretty funny. I don’t know how they managed to screw that up. But now we know what the next month of the crew pack is gon na. Be so I guess that’s kind of cool
I know I’ll probably just keep the crew pack because it’s basically like buying V-Bucks anyways, so no biggie. But to be honest, I really don’t think that the Green Arrow is that great. I know someone out there watching this super disappointed and I am sorry All right For fortnite Hentai four. I just want to let you guys know about some free stuff that you need make sure you got in your locker. If you guys have the Globe Shaker skin, you should’ve gotten a brand new edit style for this skin, as well as his back bling
And a new free style for the Back Board back bling, So yeah, if have any of those make sure you double check and see that you got them Also, you should’ve been awarded the free spray for participating in the Frosty Frenzy Cup and I’m kind of disappointed That I didn’t end up doing this, because this spray is actually kind of funny.
So all right Pity me
However, I did end up getting that Nebulaic wrap for free for watching the game awards, so I guess they did send those out. So if you’re looking forward to that, you should’ve got that as well. So yeah I just want to let you guys know about those few things And actually, as I’m recording this Fortnite porn Status has actually announced that they’re gon na give us another opportunity to get that Skull. Claus Spray. It says for people in Europe it’ll be on December 17th, while the rest of the regions will be on December 19th.
I can’t find an exact time, but I would just look on the events tab in game to see when it is. If you really want that spray still. Moving on to fortnite Hentai 5 Fortnite porn actually introduced a brand new setting called Performance Mode to be able to run your game a little bit smoother, so you get more frames and the gameplay just feels better and everything, But it turns out, if you use this setting, you Will actually be able to see straight to the storm as if it wasn’t even there at all, so it’s super OP and they may have fixed this pretty quickly, but at least in the meantime, if you guys are watching this video like immediately, I would give it A shot just to see how OP it is, But yeah either way. Honestly, I would try to get Performance Mode, a shot to see how it affects your gameplay
Okay and for fortnite Hentai six – I don’t know if you consider this a secret or what, but I thought it was super interesting nonetheless, and that is that Travis Scott apparently made $ 20,000,000 from his collaboration with Fortnite porn. I think, including his skin sales, the merch sales and all that stuff.
Maybe Fortnite porn just paid him to have a concert, I’m not really sure But yeah $ 20,000,000. That is absolutely insane, and I think this means that they’re gon na try and get more and more really big artist like this, and we could have more crazy concerts in the future which I’m all for because, honestly, the Travis Scott event, I think, was even better Than the Galactus event, So if we had something like that for like Drake or something I think it’d be super super awesome.
But yeah, I just want to share that with you guys, because I thought that was absolutely mind-blowing Now for fortnite Hentai seven, we have footage of the Snowy Flopper thanks to Mix on Twitter
Now, if you guys are watching this a few days later, it’s possible that this is now in the game now with Operation Snowdown, But as soon as the update dropped. It was not in the game. I tried looking for it, but the base seems to work just like a Chiller Grenade where you get ice cubes on your feet, So yeah, I’m sure you’ll be able to find this one whenever they change the lobby and everything It’ll be pretty clear that all the Winner related stuff will be in the game at that point.
Next up for fortnite Hentai, eight, to my surprise, it looks like we have some other sort of live event. This season related to the Zero Point. So basically, PeQu Leaks found these sound files in the game and it has to do with the loop or a base, opening and closing, And it’s interesting because the Zero Point has gradually been getting larger And right now, there’s one trail coming from the Zero Point. That seems to be going more towards Salty Towers if anything which it’s been updating pretty quickly like every hour. So this whole thing could be going down pretty soon.
Obviously, I don’t imagine it to be some crazy live event or anything since we just had one, But it’s definitely hinting towards something. So I would just keep an eye on it. Even every single time you load into a battle royale match.
Personally, I think it’s a teaser for a new character to come. Ontot he island and my guess – would be Predator, but we’ll get into that later And now for fortnite Hentai nine. It’S looking like we’re gon na get an update on the Mandalorian mythics, because we recently had this loading screen of the Mandalorian with his mini blaster pistol.
And I mean even the original loading image has him with that blaster pistol in it. So it’s only a matter of time before they release that, But then he also has the full blaster rifle that he actually already has in game now Like he can literally damage you with it. But when you eliminate him he doesn’t drop it. So we’ll probably end up seeing that as a mythic, soon too So yeah keep your eyes peeled for that, because they can literally change that in a fly at any point.
And yeah, it would just be another way to spice things up this holiday season And speaking of the holidays, the snowstorms are going to be returning this season, as well as the map gets more snowy.
The sound files were added back. This update And yep pretty much as the game goes on and on the storm gets worse and worse, So you guys will for sure notice when this gets introduced to the game.
And I think it’s a cool little feature, so I’m excited to see it return All righty guys and for fortnite Hentai 11. Yes, this is confirmation that Black Panther is actually entering the game.
And, to be honest, that’s a lot sooner than what I expeceted, because once they didn’t release it Season 4, I thought for sure they were gon na wait for another Marvel related season to drop him, But there’s actually a lot going on with Black Panther this season. We’Re gon na get Wakanda Forever challenges.
So here they are, as you can see here Now, the’Visit different Snowmando, outpost’ and the’Deal damage with lever-action rifle’ challanges could be changed because that are also part of the Operation Snowdown challenges, So those might be just a placeholder. But it’s looking like we’re gon na be able to do these challenges to earn the Wakanda Forever emote for completely free, But don’t worry, he is coming as a skin as well and he has an insane like purple. Glow style, which looks absolutely nuts like this skin is going to be everywhere.
I could already guarantee it:
It may be the hypest skin honestly, maybe since like Recon Expert or something I’m not even lying, And not only that it’s looking like he could be an NPC on the map as well. So they’re really gon na be capitalizing on the hype here, But I got to say it’s pretty disappointing that we didn’t get him as an actual mythic boss. Last season, I’m not gon na lie.
But you know what I can’t complain too much, because we are getting him in the game at least finally, And speaking of NPCs. We also have confirmation that the Noir NPC is going to be entering the island very soon as well. We thought he was gon na, be here the same time as Snowmando, but a way you guys can check to see if he’s in game is going to your map and then scrolling over to all the NPCs and seeing if there was a new slot added. I think with Snowmando there should be 41 right now. So if you see a 42nd one, then you’ll know he’s added into the game.
I don’t think we know exactly where he’s gon na be yet, but hopefully he’s carrying something good.
But yeah be on the lookout for him because he could appear any day now, All righty guys and for fortnite Hentai 13. I have the final version of what the Winter map is going to look like this season. So it’s looking like not the entire map is going to have snow this year, which is kind of interesting, but there are Christmas trees popping up around the map and even a few new buildings. Christmas related, So we’ll have to wait until the game actually updates to see exact locations for these, But yeah don’t get your hopes up too high, because the whole map is not going to be covered with snow this year.
Next up for fortnite Hentai 14, I have some small hidden updates for you guys. Hypex has found out that the Charge Shotgun spawn rate has been lowered, which kind of sucks, because it was already pretty low in my opinion, But now gold is going to drop at higher fortnite Hentais, which is really good. I noticed the bounty give you like twice as much gold now And I think you just get gold more consistently around the map. So that’s pretty cool
Mang0E has noticed that the Dragon Shotgun actually received a buff both to the damage and it will knock people back a little bit farther. So I guess that’s kind of cool And something kind of random. I started throwing here because I have nowhere else. To put it is the China version of the new Crackshot styles since they’re not allowed to show skulls in China. It looks kind of funny, so I thought I would just share it with you guys All right guys and it looks like Black Panther is going to be included in this brand new skin pack called the Marvel Royalty Warriors Pack, So this whole pack contains three skins. Three back blings three pickaxes and two gliders
The other skins are Captain Marvel and the Taskmaster. So personally, I don’t think the Taskmaster skin is that great, but Captain Marvel is nuts, especially her second style, where she’s all like glowing and stuff
It looks absolutely crazy and her pickaxe is pretty clean too. I’M not sure if we have footage of the Taskmaster and Black Panther pickaxes yet or any of the gliders, but I mean, let’s be real, I think with just Black Panther alone. We would have bought this pack, But Captain Marvel definitely makes it way better too.
This is gon na, be the best selling pack, 400 % sure I’m gon na have to giveaway a ton of V-Bucks to you guys to get this thing, because I really want, as many of you guys to get this as possible. I’Ve got a feeling. It’S gon na be kind of pricey
I think it’s gon na be like $ 30. If I had to guess We don’t quite have a release date on it yet, but since it’s in this update, it’s got ta be within the next couple weeks.
So yeah I’m so hype for this pack. I’M sure you guys are too, And I hope that we are all able to get it Now for fortnite Hentai 16 guys it looks like they may be. Reverting aim assist back to the old ways where it used to lock on a little bit for you or maybe they’re, just testing it for specific scenarios or something
I don’t know
But Mang0e was able to find this “ TargetingSystem” aim assist, so I’m curious to see how this ends up coming out, because personally, I think aim assist is kind of weak right now. I know some keyboard players will hate me for that. But hey you guys got ta admit they have nerfed aim assist countlless times right now, All right guys and now for 17 through 20. I’M just gon na count all these leak skins as the rest of the secrets. There are so many there’s, so many cool ones. We really have some insane skins to choose from this holiday season. I got to say
But that’s into it for the video Hope you guys enjoyed. If you do, please do me a favor and take two seconds put’doom’ in your Fortnite porn item shop.
I know I say it all the time, but trust me. It helps me out so much. I can’t stress it enough.
Let’S make the secret word’Hulk’ and I’ll be twice as likely to add you if you put that That’s gon na, do it guys I’ll see you on the next one, All right, Peace out,
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