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Sup dudes once again welcome to Gun Game, But this time it’s a little bit different, As you can see here, we’re doing three different rounds right And each round what you do you walk up to these item. Spawners You can choose one of the random guns of the three. Then you have to trash the other two guns.
It’S all completely random and then once you get up to five guns, you play Gun Game, But there’s also a twist. You guys know these Sentry Bots, We placed’em all around the maps. If you get killed by one of the Sentry Bots, you go back to a previous gun.

It’S pretty intense And dudes once again, just like last time. Last time we did Gun Game 78,000 likes on this Gun Game. That’S insane! If you guys could do that again on this video that would be awesome, Also hit. The subscribe button hit that little bell.
And I hope you guys enjoy modded Gun Game Alright, so I’ve already explained the rules in the intro. You guys ready for round one [ Biffle ]. Oh I’m ready you’re going down. I’M gon na take I’m taking south side south side.
[ Biffle ], I’m taking north I’m taking north, So we’re gon na do this by rounds.

Everybody ready for round one. Oh gosh In three, two one go
I want this one [, Biffle ]. I want this one [ Ambrew ]. What is this is that a six shooter That is terrible. That is absolutely terrible. So, like I said in the intro, if I didn’t explain it, you pick one gun and we’re going to be doing this five times.
You have to pick up the other two guns and drop them off, and this is the gun you get. Okay, you guys ready for pick two Yeah yeah, I’m ready, Yeah yeah, I’m ready Ugh go this one!
I’M takin’ this one Ahh, It’s mine, I’m takin’ this one, I’m takin’ this one, I’m takin’ this one!

[ Ambrew ]. I have such bad loot dude
( laughs, ), It’s so bad. So far, [ Biffle ] I’ve got nothin’ but pistols Round: three ew A crossbow and a sniper [ Ambrew ]. Okay, I got a crossbow
Alright, I’m goin’, I’m takin’ the suppressed pistol. This is crap, I’m taking the crossbow, you guys –. This is crap. Okay, okay round three or round four [ Biffle ], I’m ready, [, Ambrew, ], Crossbow, SMG
Oh this, I don’t know what are you guys taking [ Ambrew ], I’m taking my silent suppressed, I’m taking a suppressed? Ah I’m taking duel pistols, I’m takin’ duel pistols, [ Biffle ]. I took deagle, I feel like –. You take a deagle
Aw dude can I have the deagle. Please Can I have it [ Ambrew ], Ey man, you gon na need that ey man – Oh okay, last round [ Ambrew ], Oh dude, we’re gon na try out this scoped revolver dude we’re gon na see –! Oh, I don’t know what I want for my last gun.

[ Sigils ]. Oh you know what you want, I’m taking the shotgun, I’m taking the shotgun [ Ambrew ]! No Ian! You want this one though No I don’t want the sniper. Snipers are trash in Gun Game.
( laughter, ), [, Ambrew, ] They’re, pretty trash they’re, pretty trash, –, Okay, okay, okay, so I wan na see what everybody’s loot is first hold on. Let me take a picture Okay, so these are all my guns. What do you guys got? Just drop’em all [ Biffle ], I’m droppin’ [ Sigils ] You’d, like that. Wouldn’T you
Oh, oh, oh, Oh, you got some good stuff, [ Biffle ]. Look at this one. I got a lot of pistols Dude. This is all good [, Biffle, ] Yeah. This is gon na, be –. Alright! Alright, let’s go to my industrial park round. One
Alright, you guys ready for round one [ Ambrew ]. I am ready man In three two one Hut. I need to stop doing that. Dude
Dude these stupid, remember, remember the rules. If you die to the sentries, you get set back a gun.

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I hope you got a whole lot from our “fortnite porn images” video clip.

Date: February 17, 2021