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attaches to the massage chair here so you can turn it on oh yeah there we go you’ve got all the massage options here you can turn on heat you can get your back at your legs whatever you need to do while you’re playing fortnite porn turn that off here and then of course you’ve got a lots of comfy pillows and stuff like that got a blinked oh yeah got a blanket on the blanket for your feet seized we also have the table here which is perfect because you can store all of our stuff here like water bottles and then we’ve got our controller and you guys might remember this from the fortnite porn mystery box so this is the controller that we got we got the grips on it we’ve got our nice little stub things here which I actually found out I really like they feel really comfortable and easy to use and then we’ve got dual headphones as well so we can listen in and plus when you’re playing with your friend and doing for tonight you definitely want to be able to see each other’s screen for communication and we’ve got that in the bag set up in this so I think it’s time to play some duals dude I agree alright let’s jump into fortnite porn play a little bit of duals we’ll have some game play for you guys so you guys can see how we’re playing and all that cool stuff and then after that we’re actually thinking about setting up like a cool like snack station over there so you might get like a really cool gaming snacks nation but let’s jump into play some for tonight because that’s what we came to do in this awesome box board so let’s get playing wait one more thing we are ready to play for now I’m so excited guys I’ve been so pumped for this and of course guys don’t forget if you wants to play for tonight not like in real life ordinary life if you don’t want us to play the regular game but take 49 to the real life and play it for real with nur remember smack that like button down below guys let’s try and crush 50,000 likes on this video I know you guys can do it you guys been help them up the lights turn back on alright cuz I know you guys have been so savage lately on our videos you guys have been destroying it so thank you so much for all the likes and comments and put a hashtag Fortnite porn porn down below if you currently are playing for tonight and having a bunch of fun playing power bro we’ve got to what’s going on right guys so everything’s set up now it is time to play a game we’re gonna have a bunch of fall and playing in a box for it dude oh this is so straight can see your screen where you want to go oh dude we could you uh racetrack okay let’s do race are you’ll be sweet you know how funny would it be if we built this box for it in fortnite porn so we’ve got have a fortnite porn box for it in fortnite porn okay I think that’s what we should do we have a penalty box for a great forecourt one for Fox four in the fortnite porn box for our 40 before four alright if you say four too much it sounds fair alright let’s go dude look at my bubble gum glad y’all I love this thing oh I got a rocket launcher dude wait a second wait come here you gotta check this out I don’t come what is it look at the sign look what it says this is no dancing yeah I’m dancing you can’t saw me sign you can’t stop me look at that like what launchpads campfires we should build it on the tallest mountain Jake can you grab some snacks from that start there’s tons of snacks there’s yellow snacks red snacks brown snacks I don’t like any of these snacks I broke the snacks well I knocked out one the crossbow I eliminated him hello you gotta run over you I’m coming Jake Oh another gospel you didn’t tell you best Gunny for tonight now it is time to build a massive base but I’m getting so much wood this is gonna be crazy it’s gonna be the biggest Fortnite porn porn base ever the biggest 4:9 base inside of a box for it alright guys we just built a base with as much wood as we could and here it is I’m gonna try to run to the top so we try to build it as quickly as we could because obviously the storm is closing but we were able to build it fairly big and fairly tall so I’m gonna run to the top now you can see see a lot from up here I would say the game over you could just keep it I mean we’re a little bit biased cuz we love building thing
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Date: February 16, 2021