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while we’re playing for tonight and keep in mind guys we’re making this for net box for to play duo’s because we want to be able to play with both me and Logan so we’ve got our two monitors over there two X boxes which means we’re gonna have a lot of equipment in here but it also means this box for us to be pretty big so I think what we got to start with is build up the base of the box for make sure it’s big enough to fit everything and then we can start working on the inside and decking it out to make it really awesome and to make it perfect for gaming for tonight I also brought this because we’re gonna need a fan this thing’s gonna have 2x boxes in a two TVs power lights everything like that so it might get a little bit hot inside so we’re gonna have ventilation inside this box for it so we can play for a night crispy cool and keep our cool while we’re playing the game alright guys so we have the base kind of done here but before we go any further we need to see how big this couch is obviously right now it’s just a pile of nothing but once we inflate this it’ll be a full size inflatable couch which is actually pretty comfy and nice to sit in so we’re gonna blow this up and see exactly how big it is and where we need to position everything for the box board and there we go we have our couch inflated and ready to go so as you guys can see it’s nice and thick and oh it’s very comfy which is nice to have in a box board so now that we have this set up we kinda have an idea as to how big this place needs to be which I think these would be a little bit bigger in fact because we have a lot of really cool stuff for throwing into this for tonight box for it so I think we needed to keep building and then we get to do the fun stuff and then the final fun part is actually playing for night alright guys so check this out the fort is coming along and it is looking sweet so we’ve got most of it done there and we’ve got the entire outside built what else you guys look inside it’s a little hard to see because it is dark but we’ve got our couch here or you’ve got our table for our Xboxes as well as our monitors and then we’ve got next room over here where we can put like a like a snack bar or something like that we’re also gonna be putting in really cool LEDs and like I said I’m putting in a ventilation system which is gonna go here so we’re gonna have a nice fan venting cool air inside it’s gonna be really awesome so now we need to do is get inside and start decking this place out so we can make it a true fort night game box fort and place a fortnite porn the box fort is complete the ultimate fort night gaming box fort is ready now from the outside your wires going everywhere there’s stuff all around but that’s ok because all the magic is on the inside we’ve put every ounce of our box for building skills into this to make it the ultimate box fort for playing for night ends so right off the bat before you enter the door check this out we’ve got our very own ventilation system with the working fan this takes all the cold air from the outside brings it into the box for which you know it’s all warm and snuggly in there but it can get a little bit hot with all the Xbox’s running then we enter in here check this out through the main entrance we’ve got the ultimate fortnite porn Gabey box for dude check this out this is sweet so we’ve got two X boxes two monitors a super awesome kind of like LED setup with the controllers we change the LEDs you’ll make them like green or blue or the red or you just turn them off if you want to get them like really like light in here obviously we have a light up here but we can turn that off as well so let’s turn them back to blue for now and I’ll show you guys a little bit around so here is our super comfy couch and you might notice too it’s not like exactly six feet tall cos I kinda have to bend down a little bit but we wanted to have a lot of room in here we didn’t want to feel like really claustrophobic so we’ve got you kind of walk around in the box for it then we’ve got the super comfy couch but this isn’t just a normal couch guys you sit down for example in my gaming station here and you’re delighted to find out that although you’re playing in a box for that does not mean you can’t have some of the greatest essentials in life a massage chair check this out it
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Date: February 28, 2021